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Methods to reduce or reduce electromagnetic interference in elevators

Views : 684
Author : Cobain
Update time : 2021-05-10 13:11:47
Methods to reduce or reduce electromagnetic interference in elevators
Elevator control system and inverter system require strong anti-jamming ability and less interference, first of all, understand the electromagnetic interference 3 basic components of an electromagnetic interference source, coupling path, sensitive components. Of the 3 basic elements, no electromagnetic interference occurs without any of the 1 element, however, in a normal electromagnetic production environment, no 1 element is likely to be missing because elevator drives, electronic lines, control lines are designed, manufactured, installed, equipment, product immunity and internal quality can not be changed. If we want to solve the problem of electromagnetic interference, the daily work can only take corresponding measures on the source of electromagnetic interference and the coupling path to reduce or reduce electromagnetic interference.
    The common technical methods used to resist electromagnetic interference are shielding, grounding, filtering, wiring, isolation, reasonable wiring and so on. By taking the above technical measures by the electromagnetic interference source and coupling path, the electromagnetic interference can be effectively reduced or eliminated.
    Commonly used in shielding technology are electrostatic shielding, alternatic electromagnetic field shielding, low-frequency magnetic field shielding, high-frequency magnetic field shielding. In elevator design, installation is the most used magnetic field shielding technology.
The commonly used grounding methods include signal grounding, equipment grounding, safe grounding, etc. Signal ground is available in a variety of areas, such as suspended ground ( suspension, circuit suspension ground), )single-point ground ( single-point ground, improved parallel ground), )mixed ground ( supply ground, signal ground), ) and so on. Equipment ground has single-point ground, multi-point ground ( multi-point ground, unit circuit multi-point ground, RF part needs multi-point ) Safety ground has equipment safety protection ground, zero protection ground, lightning safety ground. In elevator installations, signal ground (single point, mixed )equipment ground ( ( point, multipoint )and safe ground ( safety protection ground, ground zero protection ground) )are most commonlyused. Lightning-proof grounding in elevator installation is generally not used, requiring the consideration of protective lightning-proof grounding in housing construction.
The common measures to improve electromagnetic compatibility are spatial separation and time separation. Spatial separation refers to the most effective method of controlling space radiation interference, increasing the space distance, such as the control system and variable frequency system in the elevator control cabinet, and increasing the space distance between the layers. Time separation is the use of useful signals in the interference signal stop transmission time (generally not easy to use other methods to control, can be used this method) ) of technical ( measures, first of all, the useful signal and interference signal appearance time to determine, and then the use of time avoidance control, the use of useful signals in the interference signal stop transmission time, the use of time difference to avoid interference. This method is generally not used in elevator frequency conversion systems and control systems.